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2023/03/02 ~ 2023/03/28


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關於 鄧志浩

Calvin Teng



Originating from Guangdong, born in 1954 in Taiwan. Calvin Chih-Hao Teng started as a self-taught painter.

For Calvin, life has always been exploring deep into the vast unknown. Throughout his artistic career, he has ventured into the fields of folk song singer and songwriter, author, to managing his own restaurant. Calvin has also respectfully dedicated 30 years perfecting his craft in children's theater as a director, playwright, and actor.

During his travels in 1995, Calvin was fortunate to encounter a master painter from Singapore. Under his guidance, Calvin found his love and passion for abstract painting, a world he was previously unacquainted with. In time, Calvin ultimately shifted his paradigm from composing realism to abstract.

Each painting imbues elements from all realms Calvin has walked upon through his journey of life. The audience is drawn in by wandering thoughts as each composition emotionally unites them with grace, purifying and rejuvenating the soul. Calvin has concluded art is an entity that propels him onward allowing him to pursue peace of mind.


I Paint, Therefore I Am


遇見陽光, 空氣, 水, 畫作開始生養氣息,
在虛實相生, 立體想像空間遊走,
更為打開 一扇心靈之窗。
點墨無形, 空刀留影,

Don’t like over-elaborate formalities,
Don’t enjoy citing classic works,
Not good at giving long-winded statement,
I only use ingenuity, simplicity, modesty, and intuition to share and examine my notion of creativity,
Through self-awareness, I realize that life goes on,
Through sunlight, air and water, my paintings begin to breathe,
With deep Chinese cultural influences,
I wonder through the imaginary, three-dimensional space constructed by virtual and real images,
Filled with dramatic tension at times,
Or with calming rhythms at another,
I turn poetry into paintings,
Everything I paint,
Has not only become living artworks that breathe,
But also a window to the soul,
Like shadows casted by wielding a sword,
Intangibles are there to paint,
I Paint, Therefore I Am.





鄧先生的畫作絕對有豐潤任何空間的條件! 如史詩般的畫面內蘊力度充沛的磁場狀態,柔順的線條,協調不擾存在的空間感!

Architect Cape Town 建築公司 開普敦 南非

They are definitely of the level that serves to enhance any space. The epic landscapes with strong atmospheric conditions, means that there are not too many strong lines that create tension and disturb the room.

Architect Cape Town ,Cape Town, South Africa


Yuusuke Karasawa Architects 建築公司 東京 日本

I am moved by looking at Mr. Teng’s works from the bottom of my heart.
I think Calvin’s work achieves great combination of the tradition of ink painting and landscape painting on Song Dynasty in China and the abstract expressionism on modern and contemporary Western Society. I have never seen that kind of artwork in Japan and in museums from around the world.

Yuusuke Karasawa Architects Tokyo, Japan


詩人 鄭愁予

The overflowing snow blankets the layers of endless mountains, and reaches into the clouds.

Cheng Chou-Yu, the renowned poet

鄧志浩先生的作品拋離形制,追索象外之象,畫面雲水流轉、極具中國水墨意味,用複合媒介和油彩體現了中國哲學所特有的天人合一, 虛靜忘我的精神境界。 更加讓人嘆為觀止的是,作為一個曾經的音樂家,他化聽覺形象為視覺形象,竟把旋律、節奏、和聲、複調、調性、曲式這些只有通過聲音才能傳達的東西“畫”了出來。

中國知名藝評家 卜賀

In his work, Mr. Calvin Teng has gotten rid of the restrains of forms; he sought after the subtlety beyond the imagery. In the painting, we could see images of clouds and water surging and flowing, which capture the essence of Chinese paintings. With a combination of various media and oil paints, Teng expresses the notion of unity of heaven and mankind, and a virtual yet serene state where one becomes oblivious of the self – a concept that is unique to Chinese philosophy. What amazes us more is that as a former musician, he transformed auditory notes into visual images. To our surprise, he “painted out” melody, rhythm, harmony, polyphony, tonality, and musical form, which were elements that could only be expressed through sounds.

Bu He, the prominent Chinese art critic


藝術家 牧雲人 張貞貴

Calvin Teng’s artwork depicts many different forms of nature: dripping, splashing, wild, resilient, cruel, lush, misty or murky, all of which leads to his true heart. Through creating landscape art, Calvin spawns metaphors to resemble the harmonious and solemn beauty of the earth.
His artwork contains passionate, poetic and philosophical essence, which epitomizes Mother Nature and will stand as a divine force with the passage of time.

Artist, Mu Yun Ren Zhang Zhen Gui